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Page Last Updated:
Monday, February 05, 2001 04:00:31 PM
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Kansas: Monolith (1979)

Album Cover
Top Billboard Spot: #10
Singles: People Of The South Wind #23, Reason To Be #52
Gold on 06/18/79
1. On The Other Side |
Livgren (6:26)
2. People Of The South Wind |
Livgren (3:40)
3. Angels Have Fallen |
Walsh (6:39)
4. How My Soul Cries Out For You |
Walsh (5:45)
5. A Glimpse Of Home |
Livgren (6:36)
6. Away From You |
Walsh (4:25)
7. Stay Out Of Trouble |
Walsh, Steinhardt, and Williams (4:15)
8. Reason To Be |
Livgren (3:49)
The Band:
Phil Ehart- Percussion
Dave Hope- Bass
Kerry Livgren- Guitars and Keyboards
Robbie Steinhardt- Violin and Vocals
Steve Walsh- Organ, Piano, and Vocals
Rich Williams- Electric and Acoustic Guitars